The Organs of the Association
Board of Directors, General Assembly and Scientific Advisory Board
The board consists of a maximum of eleven members (as of 2020) and meets several times a year. He is responsible for the strategic direction of the association and the implementation of the statutes of materra. The board accepts the annual budget, prepares the annual report and decides on the admission and exclusion of association members.

Nazli Kaner
Islamic Scholar, Sociologist
Communication expert with a focus on providing strategic advice to scientific and cultural institutions and private companies. Founder and co-owner of Kaner Thompson, agency for contemporary communication and the Freiburg women’s network dieclub. Supports materra in communicative, strategic and operational matters.

Prof. Dr. Regina Kiener
Ordinaria for constitutional and administrative law
Chair for constitutional law, administrative law, public procedural law at the University of Zurich

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Klar
Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Senior Consultant
Collaborating Center for Postgraduate Training and Research in Reproductive Health
Universitätsfrauenklinik Freiburg

Jutta Kopp-Kalic
Psychological psychotherapist in her own practice.
During my travels to Africa I have seen again and again how projects could improve people’s living conditions, such as: B. To protect Maasai women from FGM. I would like to contribute to this at Materra.

Senta Möller
Founding Member and Project Manager since 1996
Law office Möller

Nora Pistor
Political Scientist
Deputy 2. CEO
Independent consultant on gender / equality of women and men in development cooperation. Nora Pistor supports materra with technical questions on project acquisition, planning and implementation, gender equality issues and international standards in development projects.

Prof. Dr. Michael Runge
Facharzt für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Founding Member, Project Manager 1996-2018
Director of the “Collaborating Center for Postgraduate Training and Research in Reproductive Health”
Universitätsfrauenklinik Freiburg

The general assembly meets as required, but at least once a year. It elects and discharges the board of directors, receives the annual report and can resolve changes to the association’s statutes. The general assembly consists of all proper (paying) members.
The scientific advisory board assists the board in an advisory capacity in order to promote the realization of the association’s goals and to point out financial possibilities. The advisory board has the following members:
- em. Prof. Dr. Meinert Breckwoldt (Universitätsfrauenklinik Freiburg)
- em. Prof. Dr. Hermann Hepp (Universitätsfrauenklinik München-Großhadern)
- em. Prof. Dr. Albrecht Pfleiderer (Universitätsfrauenklinik Freiburg)
- Prof. Dr. Marcel Tanner (Tropeninstitut Basel)