Project sponsorship
Are you interested in a current project and would you like to work specifically for it? Then maybe a project sponsorship would be an option for you. Your regular donations flow directly into the funding of the selected project and are not used for the general association work of materra.
Depending on the intensity of your commitment, this can also be combined with a project visit organized and accompanied by materra. In this way you can get to know the local project partners and their work personally. In addition to private individuals, companies that want to strengthen their social responsibility can also sponsor a project.
Two materra project sponsors introduce themselves:

Somphon Schippers, owner of the Laotian restaurant “Rose” in Freiburg, has supported our training projects for midwives and gynecologists in her old home in Laos for many years. Since we worked on site in the women’s departments, the income from her cooking courses and donations from her guests were able to flow into the project over many years. This enabled many more women with breast and abdominal cancer who could not afford surgery or drug therapy to be treated.

Dr. Friedhelm and Susanne Paul-Großmann, business consultants from Konstanz, have been promoting the partner project supported by materra in Tanzania against the circumcision of girls and women for years. As they worked more intensively on the project, they asked themselves how they could support the young women who were able to flee from circumcision with the help of our partner organization NAFGEM in their occupational and financial survival. So the idea of a small soap factory was born together, in which today the necessary skills for the production of household soap are taught. The girls and women sell the soap they produce themselves in their communities and use it to earn their own income.
Are you interested in a project partnership?