Surgical treatment of bladder-vaginal fistulas
A cooperation with médecin du Monde, Paris
Country: Mali
Project management: Senta Möller
Funding amount: 15,000 DM
Duration: 1999 – 2002
Local project partner: Médecin du Monde / Doctors of the World (Paris)
Materra supported the surgical treatment of bladder-vaginal fistulas with a grant of DM 15,000, which was carried out by the doctors of the French aid organization Médecins du Monde, Paris, in Mali in a 4-year program.
These fistulas are mostly caused by complications during childbirth. These are often caused by the genital circumcision.
A consequence of fistulas is often the social exclusion of women.
From 2004 the clinic in Mopti took over the operations with specially trained doctors. The clinic has connected a rehabilitation center for women who have had a fistula and operates prevention through early detection and the prevention of circumcisions in the countryside.
In addition, Malian doctors were trained as part of the funding so that they can carry out the procedure independently in the long term.
A total of 120 girls and women were operated on or treated by doctors from the French aid organization Médecins du Monde / Paris.